The High Commission of Bangladesh in Abuja, Nigeria in collaboration with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Government of Bangladesh observed ‘Rabindra-NazrulJayanti’ on Sunday, 24 November 2019 celebrating 158th birth anniversary of Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and 120th birth anniversary of National Poet of Bangladesh KaziNazrul Islam.
In his welcome remarks, Mr. Md. Shameem Ahsan,ndc, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Nigeria highlighted the invaluable contribution of the two literary luminaries. Mr. Ahsan said that after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman brought poet Nazrul Islam from Kolkata to Dhaka and gave him citizenship of the country. The poet was later honored as the National Poet of Bangladesh. He added that in order to promote research on Tagore, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina laid the foundation stone of Rabindra University in Tagore’s memory-blessed Shahjadpur, Shirajganj in 2015. The High Commissioner said that both Rabindranath Tagore and KaziNazrul enlightened the society through their literary works. Mr. Ahsan specially mentioned about the secular aspect of their literary works which, he felt, are still more relevant now in the context of growing intolerance and violence in the world. Mr. Md. Ataur Rahman, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Cultural Affairs also spoke on the occasion. In his remarks, he said that their songs and poems were great inspiration to the freedom fighters during the war of independence in 1971.
The second part of the programme was a colourful cultural event. Artists of the visiting Cultural Troupe sent by Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Bangladesh enthralled the audience. Anchored by Dahlia Ahmed, vocal artists vizShalma Akbar, ShafiqTuhin, KaziMuyeedShahriar Shiraz Joy, Yeasmeen Ali, Manuel Soren& Avro Nokrekand dance artists viz Afrin Sultana Nipu, RahinaZaman, Mohammad Rasel Ahmed, ShammiYesminJhinuk&SangeetaChowdhury performed &Gazi Abdul Hakim played flute. The programme was attended by, among others, members of the Nigerian civil society, Bangladesh and Indian Bengali community, foreign nationals and officers/officials of the Mission and their family members.
The guests were served with traditional Bangladeshi cuisine.